August 29, 2012

My Heart Walked into Kindergarten Wearing a Spider Man Backpack

I didn’t cry the first day I dropped off Owen in Kindergarten.
Not one single tear dribbled down my face as I watched my heart confidently walk into that classroom with his spider man backpack. I felt like I had kicked this “letting go” thing in the you-know-what.

Don’t get me wrong I was beyond nervous and anxious about his first day… how would he adjust…would he make new friends…would he feel comfortable in this new, structured classroom environment…would his teacher realize how LUCKY she was to have such an awesome little man in her class…would he want to go back the second, third, fourth day…would he have fun?



So to prepare for the unknown, I did what most mamas do in that situation…I made the best first-day- of- school- lunch ever. That turkey and cheese sandwich was literally bursting with love, the bags of cookies and chips screamed you’re going to rock this day, and his two snacks, with his name written neatly in sharpie marker, well that shouted to anyone and everyone that his mama was so proud of him for taking this next big step.

Of course, he sailed right through the first week and is nearly finished with his second week of school. He has shared little stories about his days, what he has learned and which classmate’s behavior cards turned from green (good) to yellow (bad). He’s explained that his card has yet to turn yellow… because kids whose cards turn yellow and then red get in REAL big trouble. He did so well the first week that he even got to feed the goldfish TWICE (apparently this is like the first place trophy of good behavior)! He was also designated as the Super Star Door Monitor (yup, big job for my little kindergartener!) He has worked hard on all of his homework, colored those triangles, rectangles and squares…cut and categorized…and wrote out the numbers one through five a total of three times each like it was no one’s business! Yes, I am one proud mama.

I am absolutely blessed that I get to take him to school, watch him play on the playground (while his little cheering squad – aka Luke-watches on a bench just outside his preschool classroom), walk him to his kindergarten class each morning and say my goodbyes with a kiss and a quick back rub (which has now become our “new” hug). 

We are in a new groove and it feels amazing…but at the same time I’m finding that it is incredibly hard to let go. So much for thinking I was kicking this “letting go-thing” in the ass. So we’ll take this slow…I will give myself time and I’ll grant myself permission to squeeze his hand a little tighter, tell him I love him every opportunity I get, and get a box of tissues for the car and work because this mama is a hot mess and the tears that were meant for the first day are here and are absolutely taking no prisoners!



  1. it's called being proud of your matter what we feel we know we have done our job, he is happy with what he is doing and where he is....even if it is just his first weeks of school. you feel that your whole life becky and you do try and hang on just a bit longer....and take it from an old's harder when they are gone:( love you happy for the boys!!!

  2. <3 And you, my friend, are most definitely kicking that whole "letting go" thing in the arse!!! But sometimes letting go really means holding on a little tighter because that's how we grow and that's how we learn. So hold on tight BECAUSE you are letting go! He's such a big boy...but forever and always, your baby he'll be. :-)
