May 6, 2013



Today was rainy and wet.

Today my boys seemed to have more energy than usual after school.

Today the boys had a soccer game.

Today the boys were out of control...they fought each other during the game, they couldn't hold still while sitting out as the subs, they were constantly harrassing each other, and the littlest one, oh gosh, he was so disobedient that he became a major distraction to the coach, the team, and the game. I was forced to leave and place him in the car before the team meeting had concluded. He even stuck his tongue out at his grandma who came to watch him play.

Today I was yelling more at my boys to behave than I was cheering them on while they played.

Today (after the game) there were tears, time-outs, no television, and an early bedtime.

Today was like every other day.

Today was an opportunity for them to learn and grow from their mistakes.

Today was perfectly imperfect.

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 118:24


  1. You are perfect with that scripture. Being a mom is a hard job and being a good mom is harder.

  2. And at the very least you can know that today turns into tomorrow and everything is new again. :-)

    (Did you know that's probably the ONLY scripture I have memorized because it is just THAT important? :-))
