July 8, 2013

You were meant to do this...

There is absolutely no denying that you were meant for this sport.

Seriously, kid, you are amazing and we were so proud of you on the completion of your third triathlon! Your dad and I are always shocked at how fluid your running is and how smoothly you transition from the run, to the bike, and then on to swimming. The Kids' Tinman Triathlon is a 3/4 mile run, 1/4 bike, and 2 laps in the pool...and you finished in just over 18 minutes which is outstanding considering that it was over 100 degrees that day! You finished fifth overall for your "orange" group and in your age group you finished 2nd -- but you made sure to tell me that the kid in front of you was cheating all over the place and cut all of the corners!

Your secret weapon is that you pace yourself...so much so that you end up picking nearly every kid off the track because they are sprinting way too fast at the beginning. We are always impressed by your ability to control your enthusiasm and get into your own rhythm and groove without worrying about anyone else but yourself.  

Your school has an upcoming cross-country practice/season that is for 3rd graders and up, but we think you have what it takes and are going to chat with the coach and see if there might be an exception...we just know that you would love it! Great job Owen!
They were giving away free hats and you were so excited that you wore it for days after the race!

Cheerleader #1

Cheerleader #2

Luke's face shows that 1. He's hot and 2. The race was delayed by 45 minutes

Owen always goes to the back so that he isn't up front with the sprinters!

Go Owen Go!

You swam all by yourself this time!

Cheerleaders watching Owen swim

Daddy always just a few feet away from you...LOVE this!

Rounding the corner to the finish line...you and daddy are so much alike!

Awesome job buddy! Congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE that he gets to do these with his Dad! And it appears he is a natural to boot!

    Way to go, Owen!!
